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Enabling Technologies, Future Directions

Thursday October 10, 2019
Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center

The SUMS Research Applications Symposium is a full day of mass spec-related research, networking, and information on the latest groundbreaking technologies and applications.  The 2019 SUMS-RAS Keynote Speaker, Prof. Garry Nolan, is a pioneer, combining multiple technologies into exciting new enabling methodologies.  As exemplified by the keynote, the symposium theme "Enabling Technologies, Future Directions" celebrates technological innovations and explores future potential.  Come and connect with an enthusiastic community of scientists, and participate in sparking new scientific opportunities and directions.


Prof. Garry P. Nolan
Dept. of Microbiology
& Immunology,
Stanford School of Medicine


Pathology from the Molecular Scale on Up

Gary Nolan

High parameter single cell analysis has driven deep understanding of immune processes.  Using a next-generation single-cell “mass cytometry” platform we quantify surface and cytokine or drug responsive indices of kinase target with 45 or more parameter analyses (e.g. 45 antibodies, viability, nucleic acid content, and relative cell size).  Similarly, we have developed two advanced technologies termed MIBI and CODEX that enable deep phenotyping of solid tissue in both fresh frozen and FFPE formats (50 – 100 markers).   Collectively, the systems allows for subcellular analysis from the 70nm resolution scale to whole tissue in 3D.

I will present evidence of deep internal order in immune functionality demonstrating that differentiation and immune activities have evolved with a definable “shape”.  Further, specific cellular neighborhoods of immune cells are now definable with unique abilities to affect cellular phenotypes—and these neighborhoods alter in various cancer disease states.   In addition to cancer, these shapes and neighborhoods are altered during immune action and “imprinted” during, and after, pathogen attack, traumatic injury, or auto-immune disease.  Hierarchies of functionally defined trans-cellular modules are observed that can be used for mechanistic and clinical insights in cancer and immune therapies.




8:00 am
Registration & Breakfast
Exhibits open 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
8:30 am
Scientific Session I
Welcome & Introductory Remarks
Allis Chien, PhD - Director of SUMS, Stanford University
  Tandem MS Strategies for Intact N- & O-Glycopeptide Characterization
Nicholas Riley, PhD - Dept. of Chemistry, Stanford University
Marshall Bern - Vice President, Protein Metrics
Unraveling the Molecular Interactions of the Influenza A Virus Matrix Layer
Lisa Selzer, PhD - Dept. of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine
Navigating the Tissue Imaging Landscape Requires the Proper Tool(s) for the Job
Stephen Hattan, PhD - Principal Scientist, Waters Corporation
10:00 am
Poster Session - view abstracts
11:00 am
Pathology from the Molecular Scale on Up
Professor Garry Nolan, PhD - Baxter Laboratories, Stanford University
12:00 pm
Lunch, Discussion & Exhibits
1:00 pm Scientific Session II
4D Omics and diaPASEF Enabled by Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry (TIMS)
Christopher Adams, PhD - West Coast Proteomics Manager, Bruker
Overcoming the Aged Niche to Improve Skeletal Muscle Regeneration
Adelaida Palla, PhD - Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Surequant: Novel Turnkey Targeted Toolbox for Routine Quantitative Pathway Proteomics
Aaron Gajadhar, PhD - Strategic Marketing Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific
2:00 pm
Coffee Break
2:30 pm
Lightning Talk Series
A Quantitative Proteome Map of the Human Body
Lihua Jiang, PhD - Dept. of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine
artMS: An R Package for the Analysis of Large-Scale Proteomic Datasets
David Jimenez-Morales, PhD - Dept. of Medicine - Cardiovascular Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine
Novel Metabolic Profiling using a Single Injection with Reversed-Phase/Ion Exchange Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry
Anthony Le -  Dept. of Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine
3:20 pm
Closing Reception, Awards & Raffle
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