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Welcome to the web home of the Vincent Coates Foundation Mass Spectrometry Laboratory, an institution-wide VPDoR resource. The laboratory is named in honor of a generous gift from Vincent and Stella Coates which kickstarted the multidisciplinary facility as a shared core resource. The laboratory is a BioX core, embodying the Bio-X spirit of interdisciplinary communication and collaboration. It is also partially supported as the Proteomics Shared Resource of the Stanford Cancer Institute, and is active in Stanford C-ShaRP initiatives. The laboratory's expertise and support are available to researchers throughout Stanford University & Medical Center and worldwide.
Beyond expertise and state-of-the-art MS technologies for self-service and full-service research, including proteomics, metabolomics, and chemical imaging, SUMS supports education, study design, method development, and data interpretation, designed to meet the rapidly evolving needs of modern researchers. Due to the essential information that mass spectrometry provides to researchers in the fields of the physical and life sciences, medicine, and engineering, the laboratory serves as an “intellectual watering hole” at the crossroads of diverse disciplines.
At this time, we have in operation a wide variety of mass spectrometer platforms to serve Stanford's wide variety of research needs. These include proteomics platforms (Bruker timsTOF Ultra, Thermo Eclipse, Thermo Exploris 480 nanoLC/MS), triple quadrupoles for targeted quantitation (Sciex 7500+, Agilent 6495C, Waters Xevo TQ-XS LC/MS), high resolution Orbitraps for intact protein measurement, biologics characterization, and molecular profiling (Thermo Exploris 240 Biopharma, Thermo Q-Exactive HF-X LC/MS), single quadrupoles for general measurements (Waters SQD2 LC/MS, Agilent 7890/5975 GC/MS), MALDI-TOF (Bruker microFlex), and imaging MS platforms with DESI and MALDI sources for spatial molecular profiling (Waters Cyclic IMS, Waters Multi-Reflecting TOF). Software resources include instrument-specific packages such as Xcalibur, MassLynx, Mass Hunter; proteomics software Byonic, Byologic, Protein Discoverer, Spectronaut; and other tools MetaboAnalyst, TraceFinder, LipidSearch, Compound Discoverer, QuanLynx, Skyline, Remote Analyzer.
Mass spec and proteomic services include an open access lab for trained users with GC/MS, LC/MS, high resolution LC/MS, and MALDI-TOF instruments. Get in-depth hands-on training to access more advanced platforms, including industry-standard proteomics and molecular profiling systems. Work with our staff on intact protein analysis, targeted quantitation, drug discovery support, pathway analysis, metabolomic profiling, global proteomics, protein interactions from pulldowns or in-situ labeling, structural studies including crosslinking, protein post-translational modification and occupancy characterization, quantitative proteomics, FFPE tissue analysis, labeled and label-free proteomics, spatial molecular analysis via imaging mass spectrometry, and much more. Get individualized guidance and training on experimental design, sample preparation, method development, and data analysis. Please contact SUMS to discuss these and other custom projects including experiential learning and new application development.
Please check back regularly for events, news and announcements. It is our hope that these pages will be a valuable resource to you.