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Mythbusters at SUMS

Episode 135: Hidden Nasties, air date 12/16/09

Mythbusters at SUMS


Practical Aspects of Long Column Capillary Chromatography

April 1, 2007
ABRF 2007, Tampa, FL
New Objective Users' Meeting

Proteomic Investigations usng a Double-vented Tetraphasic Continuous Column Approach to MudPIT Analysis

September 10, 2006
Oral Session: The Essential Role of On-line Separations for Mass Spectrometry Based Proteomics
American Chemical Society, Fall 2006, San Francisco, CA

Advances in Mass Spectrometry Workflows for Proteomics - Identification, Characterization, Biomarker Discovery and Validation

May 17, 2006
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Presented by Applied Biosystems

Waters Technology Forum

May 9, 2006
Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Presented by Waters Corporation

Biological Applications of Q-Tof Mass Spectrometry in an Academic Core Facility

April 25, 2006
Q-Tof Users' Meeting, Monterey, CA
Hosted by Waters Corporation

Meeting details


Benefits and Practical Aspects of Long Column Chromatography

March 8, 2006
Web seminar
Hosted by Eksigent Technologies

Cleaning up MudPIT: Triphasic Traps & Long Columns

February 13, 2006
ABRF 2006, Long Beach, CA
Eksigent Users' Meeting

Vented Column Technology Applied to Proteomic MudPIT Analysis on Long Capillary Columns

June 9, 2005
ASMS 2005, San Antonio, TX

Automated Direct Monitoring of H/D Exchange Reactions for Mapping Conformational Landscapes of Proteins

June 5, 2005
ASMS 2005, San Antonio, TX
Advion Users' Meeting

An Evaluation of Extended Length Reverse Phase Capillary Columns for Simple LC/MS Peptide Mapping and for Complex Proteomic Separations

May 26, 2004
ASMS 2004, Nashville, TN

Mass Spectrometry & Stanford Chemistry

November 21, 2003
Stanford Dept. of Chemistry