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How to get in touch with the SUMS experts

Have a question about a potential mass spec project?
Not sure exactly who to talk with at SUMS?

fill out this form and a SUMS scientist will reach out to you


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For all users, there are 3 items that need to be completed before coming to drop off samples at SUMS or getting trained to use the Open Access lab.  The first two are Stanford-wide requirements; the third is specific to SUMS:
  1. Complete EHS-2470-WEB, "COVID-19 Hygiene Best Practices" in STARS
  2. Use the Stanford Health Check tool to self-report health status prior to coming on site to campus each day
  3. Review and complete the SUMS Staff/User Agreement - COVID Addendum

You will also need a Stanford Slack account (get started at to connect with the SUMS #sample-drop-off, #sums-open-access, and other user channels. 

Meetings and interactions other than sample drop-off will continue to be held remotely, typically via Zoom.  Please email if you have any questions or concerns, or join our SUMS workspace on Slack and message us at #contact-sums.