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2013 Stanford Mass Spectrometry Users' Meeting

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Many thanks to all the attendees, speakers and sponsors, who made this a fantastic meeting!                  

Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Arrillaga Alumni Center
Parking: Galvez Field event parking; register to obtain parking discount code
Admission: Free                                    

Symposium for users of Stanford mass spectrometry resources as well as those interested in finding out more about applications of the technology. The Mass Spec Users’ Meeting is an annual opportunity for Stanford and community scientists to meet, mingle, and learn about research resources and ongoing mass spec related research at Stanford. Research presentations will cover advances in drug discovery, metabolomics, and proteomics. Workshops will address biostatistics; complementary applications of NMR and MS technologies; and antibodies in proteomics.

Featured this year:

  • Software help desk - live support for freely available mass spec software tools. Ask the experts your questions, get a personalized demo on tools including iLab, Scaffold viewer, online databases with spectral data, and more
  • Stanford research support - directors of many Stanford core resources will be on hand and available for discussions


Please note that presentation slides are posted for personal use only. Do not reuse or reproduce material without the authors' permission.

Time: Activity:
8:30am Registration, Breakfast

User Presentations

9:00am Applications of MS in the development of RRx-001
Bill Fitch, PhD, Dept. of Anesthesiology
9:40am Direct identification of ligand-receptor interactions on living cells and tissues
Andreas Frei, PhD, Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology 
10:20am Untargeted metabolomics for the discovery of new metabolic pathways in plants
Elizabeth Sattely, PhD, Dept. of Chemical Engineering
11:00am Morning Coffee Break

Keynote presentation

Mass Spectrometric Applications in Therapeutic Protein Development

Vish Katta, PhD, Genentech

12:20 Lunch

Sponsor Seminars

(click for abstracts)

Agilent Biological applications using new low field ion mobility LC/MS system
Christian Klein, PhD, Senior R&D Scientist, Agilent Technologies
Biocrates Deep Phenotyping: Targeted Metabolomics Kits and Services
Clarence Gillett, PhD, US/Canada Representative, Biocrates Life Science
Bruker TBA
Protein Metrics Glycoprotein Analysis using Byonic
Marshall Bern, PhD, Vice President, Protein Metrics
Sage-N Deep Analysis using Meta Data and Semantic Data Integration David Chiang, Chairman and CEO, Sage-N Research
Robert Stanley, IO Informatics

Afternoon Break



2:20pm Biostatistics Basics
Kristin Sainani, PhD, Dept. of Health Research and Policy

MS & NMR - Complementary technologies
Karolina Krasinska, MS, SUMS
Corey Liu, PhD, Stanford Magnetic Resonance Lab
Stephen Lynch, PhD, Chemistry NMR Facility
Theresa McLaughlin, MS, SUMS

Immunoassays in Proteomics
Orr Sharpe, MS, Dept of Immunology & Rheumatology

3:40pm Reception, Posters & Prize raffle

Many thanks to our meeting sponsors:

  • AB Sciex

  • Agilent Technologies

  • Biocrates

  • Bruker Daltonics

  • Peak Scientific

  • Perkin Elmer

  • Promega Corporation

  • Protein Metrics

  • Proteome Software

  • Sage-N Research, Inc.

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific

  • Waters Corporation